
Swiftie Family Portrait
Seven Deadly Sins - Gluttony
Doctor's Profile Photo
Woman Illustration
Flower Bones
Samurai Wolf Tattoo
Illustration Project
Illustration Project
Character Illustration
Design Character
Character Design


I like to draw and have a broad style of illustration, feel free to contact me about 1-1 projects. I can use photoshop and illustrator easily.

メンバー歴: 2015年06月17日(水)


"The best designer thank you "
プロフィール写真Majed Al Saberi 評価済み:7日前
"The best designer "
プロフィール写真Majed Al Saberi 評価済み:16日前
"Cassielf created some of the most Amazing art for our concept brief, and perfectly captured the essence of what I was looking for, along with some surprising and creative twists. Extremely talented and versatile, and responsive to requests for changes,..."
プロフィール写真Barry Privett 評価済み:19日前
"Thank you as well for the incredible experiences. I look forward to working on more projects with you!"
プロフィール写真Cassielf 返答済み:18日前
"Thank you perfect as usual "
プロフィール写真Majed Al Saberi 評価済み:23日前
"Thank you too! :D"
プロフィール写真Cassielf 返答済み:23日前
"The designer is extremely responsive and very talented. "
プロフィール写真jamie.ceman 評価済み:約1ヶ月前