• So you think you know logos?
Everyone loves a new logo, right? 
Just like they have for every other company who's ever given themselves a brand makeover, we assume that the public will pause for a moment to marvel in the simple beauty of our new mark, begin slow-clapping as they conceptualize its deeper meaning and finally rise to a standing I-must-share-this-on-all-of-my-social-medias ovation.
But just in case we're wrong, here's an infographic to help everyone compose the perfect review.
Because everyone definitely loves a good new-logo critique.
  • Logo critique infographic

Tell us what you really think

And share this infographic on your own website or blog. Just copies and pasties: 
<a href="http://99designs.com/brand-launch/a-helpful-guide-to-critiquing-our-new-logo"><img src="https://99designs-start-attachments.imgix.net/alchemy-pictures/2016%2F03%2F04%2F20%2F34%2F50%2F2dd795aa-69f4-44c6-8544-97c64330443f%2Flogo-critique-guide.jpg" alt="logo critique infographic" width="940px" border="0" /></a><p>Not only did 99designs create an <a href="http://99designs.com/brand-launch">epic new logo</a>, but they also designed this <a href="http://99designs.com/brand-launch/a-helpful-guide-to-critiquing-our-new-logo">bodacious infographic</a>.</p>