
Logo for wellness brand
cute logo for merino wool baby and toddler sleepwear
colorful logo for fashion product for hair
 playful logo for clothing company
Playful logo for Italian home made pasta
milk bottle
animated man with pipe
Feminine and inspiring logo for lifestyle brand
playful oriental vendor
Eco-friendly logo for food business
Eye-Catching logo for Sculpture Art Park
Breezy  logo for businesses consulting services


If you choose to work with me, 1-TO-1 PROJECT is the right place for you!
Invitation for direct work only, please!
Check the Services tab for logo projects before you contact me! Thank you!
---Freelance fashion designer with huge experience in graphic design.
-Logo design,
-Fashion design and accessories,
-All kinds of design linked with clothing and textile industry...

メンバー歴: 2012年07月03日(火)


"The designer created an excellent logo that perfectly captures our brand aspirations and provided very comprehensive final files. "
プロフィール写真Zach @ Oasis Mini 評価済み:6日前
"Thank you :)"
プロフィール写真Lydia ✄ design 返答済み:6日前
"Quick response on alteration and reworking of original design. "
プロフィール写真michaelNlZ 評価済み:約1ヶ月前
"It was a great experience working with Lydia Design. Her logo design was unique. She responded in timely manner. Quickly answered and submitted new design variations. We would be happy to recommend her!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:7ヶ月前
"Thank you for your kindness!"
プロフィール写真Lydia ✄ design 返答済み:7ヶ月前
"Great Work! Really loved the style and the reaction time :)"
プロフィール写真evaQ 評価済み:約1年前
"Thank you!"
プロフィール写真Lydia ✄ design 返答済み:約1年前
"Wonderful to work with and very responsive and creative!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:1年以上前
プロフィール写真Lydia ✄ design 返答済み:1年以上前