
Logo for woman beach equipment
Logo design for luxury transportation service for women only.
Logo for dental office
Vivant - fine dining wine delivery
Logo concept for skylonda
Logo concept for lash extensions
Logo for freshly baked pastries
Logo for restaurant  "NANA" in Cannes
Logo concept for restaurant "FURY"
Ballena vinyard


I am graphic and web designer graduated on Univeristy of Technical Sciences. Feel free to contact me if you like my design.

メンバー歴: 2012年10月04日(木)




"Thank you so much for helping us! /The Collective Attention"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:3年以上前
"Working with SanjaD was super easy, professional and absolutely trouble-free. I can recommend her to every client without hesitation. Thanks for the great cooperation!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:5年弱前
"Danke auch an alle andere die sich bemüht haben einen design für mich zu zuschneidern . Sie haben es mir nicht einfach gemacht bei der Auswahl weil soviele designs einfach klasse waren. Am ende haben mir einige mehr Design Vorschläge von SanjaD gefalle..."
プロフィール写真m.dilbaz 評価済み:5年弱前
"Sanja had an insight we loved, and worked with us getting to the winner design. She was fast, professional and communicative."
プロフィール写真FernandoPiancastelli 評価済み:5年以上前
"Sanja was very patient with our changes and offered quality designs."
プロフィール写真swiftaust 評価済み:約6年前