
ADP Business Pro Flyer
Kandy Pack Label Design
Digital brochure of New Leaf Detox Resort
Avendas Product Sheet
Notes Cover Leitmotif
Eatarti Food Menu Design
KaffeBox design their new Specialty Coffee Info Card!
CreditVue Flyer Design
List Menu Design of Ashdale
Parenting Class Poster Design
Lake Arrowhead Flyer Design
An idealis and catchy hang tag design. Have more young and energic feel.


Simple person, do a powerfull design.

メンバー歴: 2013年05月17日(金)


"The brochure is gorgeous. Everyone loves it. "
プロフィール写真cchristman 評価済み:9年弱前
"Awesome design work! We love Achmad. The designs are clean and modern. He has an amazing eye."
プロフィール写真cchristman 評価済み:9年弱前
"Awesome designer!!!"
プロフィール写真cchristman 評価済み:約9年前
"Great job. Reactivity. Clean, crisp work. "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約9年前