
Romance, Love story, Motivational story
love story, relationship, respect woman
Psychology Book cover
medical book cover
book cover
book cover
book cover
book cover
book cover
book cover
book cover
book cover


Photoshop designer love to create almost anything on black and white.

メンバー歴: 2014年01月24日(金)


"Such a pleasure to work with. Quick, and precise. Fantastic artist and person!"
プロフィール写真danielbencarsoo 評価済み:11ヶ月前
"Worked very closely with me on the design decisions, was patient, and always gave constructive feedback. "
プロフィール写真sddesigns12 返答済み:11ヶ月前
"Appreciate the high level of communicative responses and compliance to my vision, making sure we had a "meeting of minds""
プロフィール写真369elle 評価済み:11ヶ月前
"Great designer. Quick responses and good conversations. I look forward to work with him again."
プロフィール写真hannah.siebern 評価済み:約3年前
"The designer is very fast and flexible. I love the design and i look forward to working with him again. "
プロフィール写真hannah.siebern 評価済み:約3年前
"The designer really listend to what I was looking for and managed to provide this beautiful book cover very fast. Thank you so much for the great collaboratin! "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約3年前