
Boy's Bed Linen
Create fun and fresh prints for Modern Cloth Nappies
Children's Hat Design
Round Beach Towel
Surface Pattern Design
Repeating Pattern Design Diapers
Create a unique, simple, and professional logo for cleaning business.
Breathe new life into our holistic veterinary hospital
Create a classy but kid friendly logo for a music school
Create engaging logo for veterinary hospital
Create a fun & eye-catching set of banners for Protect Your Bubble
Adwords banner design


Throughout my extensive career in the photo industry, I dedicated years to honing my craft. In my spare time, I pursued a graphic design diploma with high distinctions, adding another layer to my expertise.
This journey has equipped me with a comprehensive skill set and a deep knowledge of all facets within the realms of both photography and graphic design. My commitment to these fields is unwavering, and I am enthusiastic about sharing my skills to assist you with your unique requirements.

メンバー歴: 2014年02月11日(火)