
Logo design for a Data Solution Company
Revamp of a previous logo for an IT Company
New logo concept for Zebbo
New Logo Concept for Melco Electrical
New logo concept for Tech Relief
Logo Design for an IT School
Bold Logo for Technology Services Consulting Firm
Integrity, IT Professional Services Company
Bold Logo for Cloud Technology Consuting
New logo for Coppertree Staffing
Cool Nest logo for a Crowd Fund
Creative Logo for Young Growing Tech Company


Graphic designing is not merely an abstract work of imprinting imagination, but a disciplined science to transpire mind to matter. A prolific designer to have your imaginative sense captured is here to help you with your ideas. Contact for
A. Logo designs
2. Business card designs
C. Stationary designs
4. Brand identity

メンバー歴: 2014年08月03日(日)




"Yaldaram is incredibly responsive, quick to complete the work, and always delivers exactly what I need. This is my 2nd time working with him and I would highly recommend."
プロフィール写真mark 5q 評価済み:2年以上前
"Great designer. Easy to work with! Highly recommend. "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:4年以上前
"Yaldram presented great, original ideas and was very easy to work with. Highly recommend"
プロフィール写真melcoelectrical 評価済み:9年弱前
"Done the work within 24 hours. Super!"
プロフィール写真jonathan.littenstrom 評価済み:約9年前
"Asked for 10-20 images and got 44, very happy!"
プロフィール写真jonathan.littenstrom 評価済み:約9年前