
Black Knights Football
Berserker Tactical Customs Logo
Comic book like logo design of charity assisting people with blindness
Seadogs Of Nassau
Logo of Limoges Ice Hockey Team
St. Greg’s Cougars
fun yet powerful branding for kids/adult martial arts school
AZ Ignite 7-7 Football Logo
The Longest Day 5k Medal design
Law Enforcement "Morale Patch", Tough, Protector, "Suicide Squad" focused on mental health/suicide prevention
Design a trendy logo for an indoor dog park and bar in Edinburgh


Hi, I am a Bia™ graphic designer and I love designing and all about art.
I am constantly looking for new challenges and my experience makes me the ideal partner for all your branding needs.
If you are looking for a great logo to start with feel free to reach out over 1-On-1 service.

メンバー歴: 2014年10月26日(日)




"Every time, simply the best. I met you by chance on this platform, I contacted you several times for various jobs. A warranty!!!"
プロフィール写真FreeriderTeam Edolo 評価済み:4日前
"Super designer. "
プロフィール写真FreeriderTeam Edolo 評価済み:7日前
"Bia was quick and recognized all of our requests right off the bat and came through with an amazing design for our Non Profit fundraiser. "
プロフィール写真BEARD vs BEANs 評価済み:約1ヶ月前
"Bia does great work! This is our second project with her, and both times the process was smooth and fast. She was particularly impressive in not only design changes and turnarounds but catching an error on my end as well. We highly recommend Bia and wil..."
プロフィール写真matt 8i 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"Super designer and good artist"
プロフィール写真FreeriderTeam Edolo 評価済み:3ヶ月前