
Little Helpers
Contest entry
Nude sheep
Lake worth
Wired whisker
Why am I so lucky
Golf Dino
Two Evils
Udder cream
Crystal planet nutrition
Nerd assassin


Hi, thanks for stopping by to see my profile. I'm graduate designer and I find pleasure in creating designs that will meet your needs.

メンバー歴: 2014年11月24日(月)




"Very responsive and awesome work! Would hire again!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約1ヶ月前
"Thx so much for the great review :) If you ever need something done in future like some illustrations you know where to find me :) Im more than happy to give my best for you again."
プロフィール写真Del ✿.。.:* ☆ 返答済み:約1ヶ月前
"This designer made a very professional logo! Helped me with everything I needed Highly recommend this designer."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約2ヶ月前
"Thank you a lot for giving me the oportunity to make you this logo. "
プロフィール写真Del ✿.。.:* ☆ 返答済み:約2ヶ月前
"Del did a wonderful job with my logo design, would highly recommend!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"A+! Loved the design, thank you!!!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:4年弱前
"delighted with my logo. very helpful would highly recommend "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約4年前