
Design for 4 generations construction company
Logo for Blackfox Security
Logo for Small Batch Furniture Maker
Logo for game/web server hosting provider
business card Designs
Custom home building company
Clean logo needed for our real estate brokerage
T-shirt design for an upcycled food company!
Rebranding Family owned Mexican Restaurant Chain after 28 years!
Logo for produce anti bacterial and disinfectant wipes mainly
Logo for Local Rock/Country Band Cutler Stew
Logo for Sedap


メンバー歴: 2015年02月08日(日)


"I am so appreciative of this service through VistaPrint. It is an extremely smooth process and professional service. Great design, made minor changes and when I had to go back and make a change, it was quick and painless. Great value for what you get. I..."
プロフィール写真nikki.low1 評価済み:約1年前
"When it comes to the design of my logo, it is a delight to collaborate with Horoksea once more. For our baking company, Hororksea designed a Valentine's Day logo that is clean and simple."
プロフィール写真SweetRiceFlour 評価済み:1年以上前
"Easy to work with, very communicative and nailed it after one round of changes."
プロフィール写真nikki.low1 評価済み:1年以上前
"Excellent! I truly admire that Horoksea didn't require any direction from me regarding a design concept. Horoksea took my current logo and added an artistic touch to make it themeified for Christmas. It's amazing to be able to delegate a project to som..."
プロフィール写真SweetRiceFlour 評価済み:1年以上前
"Completed exactly as requested, and very promptly!"
プロフィール写真armstrong.ethan 評価済み:1年以上前
"Thank you! We're delighted that we could meet your expectations promptly. Thanks again for choosing our services!"
プロフィール写真h o r o k s e a ° 返答済み:1年以上前