
Wine label design
Vintage wine lable
Elegant logo for new company
1 to 1 project to design a Mezcal label
Cold brew coffee label - winning design
Vintage label for a French wine.
Vintage, "steampunk," label for new Bloody Mary Mix
Looking for a bold, iconic logo.
Design a new wine label
New Scotch Whiskey Brand
Winning Logo Design for wine label contest
Looking for a sparkling wine label...! Auf der Suche nach einer spritzigen Weinetikette...!


I am a high-end Photo Retoucher and experienced Designer. I also provide AI design using Mid Journey. My goal is to provide imagery beyond the client's expectations. Some of my designs in my 99D portfolio are for sale. Please contact me if interested. You can see my online retouching portfolio: www.NLSretoucher.com

メンバー歴: 2015年03月16日(月)


"This was a job for a unique design for a new niche canna oil vape company. Nancy was very professional. She listened to my desires and goals with this project and then began providing work samples. The work became closer and closer to my vision until we..."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:8年弱前
"Amazing experience working with Pro Retouch and Design. This was my second time CHOOSING to work with them and it proved to be a great experience and final product. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. "
プロフィール写真salvadorb 評価済み:8年以上前
"Amazing experience! We got all of the work done in 24 hours and the final product is exactly what we were looking for. Thank you for the great service. "
プロフィール写真salvadorb 評価済み:8年以上前
"We elected to try 99 Designs for the first time as our team was looking for a talented designer to come up with a creative and original label design for our new Bloody Mary Mix. Pro Retouch & Design provided us with some really incredible concepts that ..."
プロフィール写真compton.jtc 評価済み:8年以上前
"Nancy did a great job, She was so cooperative and creative at the same time. Thank you."
プロフィール写真Dany Al Isso 評価済み:9年以上前