
Scandinavian Disco Mystic Sticker
Kidney Nutrition Coach Logo
Bold logo concept for basketball team (FL Gators inspired!)
stickers for a boba shop
Dogs Stickers
Illustration for nft project
Whiskey Gift Sticker
Mexico Stickers
Cat stickers
NBA Players Portrait Set


"She is the absolute best!!!"
プロフィール写真ashoulderU 評価済み:1日前
"I really like how this came out! Good job "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:6日前
"Stunning as usual!"
プロフィール写真Olga Murasev 評価済み:13日前
"Anastasia over delivered with an incredible design for our stickers. Thank you so much for your beautiful style. Will order again."
プロフィール写真Oliver Spoon 評価済み:16日前
"Very creative and talented illustrator. Will work again with Anastasia."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約1ヶ月前