
Diamond Painting Box Packaging Design
Classic and Luxury Logo for BrokenHill
Vintage and classic logo for Wild Hare
Classic and luxury logo for New Salem Museum
Young and fresh logo for Tea Fermata
Clean and luxury logo for Mount Vernon Recovery
Modern and youthful logo fo Bags and Jars . com
Classic and crafty logo for The Swell Atelier
Fresh and Innovative logo for Oorganize
Strong and powerful logo for P.S.I Fluid Power
Funky and edgy logo for Moody B!tch
Sophisticated and standout logo for Revolution Landscaping


Graphic designer with 4+ years of experience in the management specialist of the complete process, from conceptualization to delivery.

メンバー歴: 2018年02月09日(金)




"A wonderful update to my logo that matches my brand."
プロフィール写真rightfooted 評価済み:3年弱前
"Working with Feilina in the development of the Brand Guide was a very positive experience. She was very efficient in the management and production of the guidance document, and was both prompt and responsive in dealing with either queries or requests. O..."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:5年以上前
"Feilina really engaged with the contest and was very responsive to any feedback. I was very impressed with the range of ideas and styles which she produced and was delighted with the final result."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:5年以上前
"Worked very well with us and took instructions perfectly. She knew what we needed"
プロフィール写真ebrandman 評価済み:6年以上前
"FeilinaCalorine did a great job! I really like the final design. She was quick with making changes and very professional. Thanks so much!!!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:6年以上前