
The Ice Moves book cover
Quite Quit Book cover
Fairhope Bookcover
Book cover design Relationships Fix
Book cover Overthinking in relationships FIX
Book cover
Brand Up Book cover
Murder Book
Life after faith
Outgrowing Religion
Mushroomology book
Living Legacy Book


I am a Freelancer graphic designer. I have knowledge in Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Maya, 3Dmax, Zbrush, Mudbox, etc.
16 years of experience in the Graphic Industry.

国: インド. メンバー歴: 2009年12月06日(日)




"Great designer took feedback really well and executed! Highly recommended!"
プロフィール写真drisanjames 評価済み:2ヶ月前
"Did a fantastic job on my cover, a beautiful illustration that worked well with my target audience. Great to work with, quick responses and never a problem asking for a change in the design. Will be working with him again on the covers for the sequels!"
プロフィール写真Camilla.vavruce 評価済み:約3年前
"Good Designs, very receptive to feedback, fast turnaround, communicates well. Will work with this designer again for sure."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約4年前
"Paul did a great job, ai enjoyed working with him, specially that he is his word, he did everything on time and was very cooperative."
プロフィール写真ark.3000 評価済み:7年弱前
"Great designs, quick turnaround, very professional looking results, highly recommended!"
プロフィール写真Frank 100 評価済み:9年以上前