
But kiss me soft cover ebook
springbloom logo
Meraki Wellness logo
Rustic Occasions logo
Parenting Boys with ADHD book cover
Berner Yoga logo
Bonnie James logo
The Overthinking Solution book cover
Menopause Essentials for Busy Women book cover
Wild and Heack logo
The Healing logo
The ABC’s of the Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners book cover


I have more than 10 years of diverse graphic design experience.
My wish is to combine my knowledge and experience in graphic design, to deliver the best creative to my clients and their audiences.
Please initiate logo project via https://support.99designs.com/hc/en…1-Projects.

メンバー歴: 2010年02月19日(金)




"The designer met my needs and even gave me feedback on another point of view—very professional work. "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:5ヶ月前
"Wonderful to work with. Designer was creative and clever, fast turnaround, quick message responses. We love our logo!"
プロフィール写真bramcost 評価済み:10ヶ月前
"Very responsive, quickly added and updated each iteration. Plenty of patience and very creative! Even after I chose the winning design, was willing to make additional updates. I appreciate the honest work and am excited to utilize the new logo!"
プロフィール写真inf557 評価済み:1年以上前
"Superschnelle Arbeit, aufmerksam und zugewandt. Klare Kommunikation. Danke"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:1年以上前
"Einfach danke. Feine Arbeit und sehr schnelle Reaktion auf Wünsche."
プロフィール写真hschneideE 評価済み:1年以上前
"Danke ☺"
プロフィール写真MrcelaDesigns 返答済み:1年以上前