
Logo concept for stage music center
bold logo for audio product
bold logo for La Biutichan
bold logo for musician keyboardist
simple logo design for Asian restaurant
logo concept fo evolution of love
simple design
logo concept for lawncare company
simple logo for theater school
Simple Bold design concept


Yes...You're in the right place...Let's RoCK!

メンバー歴: 2015年04月04日(土)




"Working with 3rd Gee to develop a logo on 99designs was an outstanding experience. Their creativity, attention to detail, and ability to bring my vision to life exceeded expectations. They handled feedback professionally, responded promptly, and refined..."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:24日前
"Many thanks. Hopefully, we can collaborate again."
プロフィール写真3rd Gee 返答済み:24日前
"Thank you again! I'll reach out again for any future projects!"
プロフィール写真chrissyNt 評価済み:約2ヶ月前
"Thank you...hopefully we can work together again in the future."
プロフィール写真3rd Gee 返答済み:約2ヶ月前
"Zielführender und rascher Prozess bis zum Erhalt eines innovativen Logos."
プロフィール写真infctt1 評価済み:9ヶ月前
"Ich bedanke mich bei ihnen für Ihre Wertschätzung."
プロフィール写真3rd Gee 返答済み:9ヶ月前
"He understood the brief and refined the design down to its' simplest form, then worked with me all the way ( as a non design techy person!)"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:10ヶ月前
"many thanks to you... :)"
プロフィール写真3rd Gee 返答済み:10ヶ月前
"Very easy to work with and very responsive"
プロフィール写真monicatpainter 評価済み:約1年前