
Packaging Design for Skin Care Product
Fruit Gummy Candy Packaging
Great Morning
Stand pouch for new infused salts line
Freeze dried fruit label
Design for a peppermint sleep tea package
Package for a Bamboo Cable Box to sell on Amazon
Business Card
New product packaging wanted for iWallie
Interior paints
Box design for a dryer vent cleaner kit



I’m Rumon, a graphic designer. I maintain a good balance between functionally and visual impact in all my work.
I believe every design is a work of art.

I love my work and enjoy each new project as I get it. Feel free to have a look at my portofolio and don’t hesitate to contact me.


メンバー歴: 2012年02月23日(木)


"Great work, quick with responses and does a great job"
プロフィール写真Caleb Gerstein 評価済み:8日前
"Responds fast, delivers on time, highly recommend"
プロフィール写真Caleb Gerstein 評価済み:2ヶ月前
"Quick, good communication and great work "
プロフィール写真Supplmnt. 評価済み:5ヶ月前
"great work, great communication!"
プロフィール写真Supplmnt. 評価済み:5ヶ月前
"It's a great pleasure to work with you. I hope we work together again. Thank you"
プロフィール写真Rumon79 返答済み:5ヶ月前
"My first competition and I find that trickier than a direct engagement with a designer. Thanks for the responsiveness and designs. "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:5ヶ月前