
Logo for santa barbara magic
Logo for wah n drive
logo hockey for revolution
baseball emblem logo for Knothole
logo for Commonwealth Showcase
Goalie Think Tank
logo vintage for CSA
Logo for voleyball
The Back Room logo
Logo for Soccer Deco
logo concept for The Authority Beer Brewing Company
Iowa United's junior volleyball elite club logo


I graduated from design school and I am involved in offline design
from 2014 and I jumped into the world of online design starting 2015,
I really like using the Adobe family of tools, AI and PS are my favorites.
I am very serious about responding and digesting my client's wishes,
because my focus is to design quality and in accordance with client expectations.

メンバー歴: 2018年12月09日(日)




"Great to work with"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:2年以上前
"Great creativity!!"
プロフィール写真domenic.gentilini 評価済み:3年弱前
"I really like the shape of the emblem its a bit unique from just a standard circle. Also the color scheme looks great."
プロフィール写真Omar.sant2w 評価済み:約3年前
"I am very happy with my design. Thanky you very much. It was a fun process."
匿名クライアント 評価済み:3年以上前
プロフィール写真SKI 14 返答済み:3年以上前
"Excellent work and easy to work with on the design. "
プロフィール写真flightmedic197b 評価済み:3年以上前