
Name a star
web banners for luxury online furniture shop
Faded banners
SEOglyphs Needs an Exciting/Creative Business Card
Help Luminaire Foto with a new stationery
Meister Athlete needs a new business card
Spektakuläre Ideen & Designs zur Promotion des PublicEye gesucht!
Shining Stars of Europe
Create compelling Fashion banner for charitable site
Progressive B2B Website Needs Energised Banner Images


My job is my hobby.
I am combining visually pleasing design with statistically proven marketing psychology. 10 years experience in Graphics Design and high experience in Adult Ads!
I'm at your service :) Feel free to Invite me or contact me at: n***********@*****.com

メンバー歴: 2013年04月06日(土)


"Tom IS the best of all the card designers that I've seen so far, and I knew he would win the contest just from the sheer volume of contributions, and he thinks ahead and offers ideas before you can think of them. That's the mark of an excellent designer..."
プロフィール写真OED 評価済み:9年以上前
"Tomy8 has not a good hand for designs and the vision I like to see what I mean - He is also very fast in doing changes and very kind in the communication. A very reliable partner and very recommondable for designs with graphic and text."
プロフィール写真Markus_Leonhard 評価済み:9年以上前