
Thriller Movie Poster
Thriller Mystery Book Cover Design
Victorian Thriller Book Cover
Book cover for the  humorous sci-fi novel "Keyhole"
CHAKRAS - Book cover
Noir Fiction Book Cover Design
Runes book cover
Children's Book Cover Design
Mochi Active Logo (kid clothing brandà
Water Bottle Logo
Claythis - Logo for Generative AI startup
Health and Nutrition (CBD) Brand Logo


Designer, digital marketer, and musician.

メンバー歴: 2018年10月16日(火)


"Great book design. Nailed the brief! "
プロフィール写真Brett Naseby 評価済み:7ヶ月前
"This design touched my soul. It was intricate, yet simple, just as my book is: simple for beginners, yet intricate in content. I am certain I will call upon this designer in the future to do other covers for me."
プロフィール写真sharoPn 評価済み:8ヶ月前
"AYKL has done a real good job! Thank you."
プロフィール写真Festa Verlag Germany 評価済み:1年以上前
"Great design with fast response! "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:1年以上前
"Aykl's design captured the tone and genre of my novel with a simple elegance that was very attractive."
プロフィール写真gbmorr 評価済み:1年以上前