
Book Cover design for Eoin Leaf
Book Cover design for Richard Lundeen
Book Cover design
Book Cover design for Christer Lende
Book cover for Juno and the Lady by G. J. Kemp
Book Cover design for Saturn Guo
Gothic fiction collection
Book Cover design for Christer Lende
Book Cover design for Christer Lende
The Devil Made Me Do It
Book Cover design for Christer Lende


メンバー歴: 2013年10月28日(月)


"Once again Andrei exceeded my expectations, he doesn't just create a cover for you, he creates true art. The best! "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:2日前
"The best Graphic Designer in the game today."
プロフィール写真taranmatharu123 評価済み:2日前
"Absolutely love Bandrei's work!"
プロフィール写真Kelly.odonnelx 評価済み:9日前
"Best in the biz, 100%"
プロフィール写真taranmatharu123 評価済み:21日前
"Andrei is an amazing artist, his work speaks for itself and I will work with him in the future on multiple projects. Great cover and very professional collaboration, Andrei really wants to get everything right and was very helpful! "
プロフィール写真T.Radde 評価済み:24日前