
Natural Face mask
Luxury Shower streamers
pen package
cosmetics for men
Hand Towels
home, kitchen
box HANN
Pet care set
box concept
packaging concept
Natural product concept


PLEASE NOTE TO ALL CUSTOMERS, PLEASE: respect and feedback is what the designers of this site need.
About me : More than ten years ago working with graphic edt. designs: I love my work and I will be at your disposal to do the best and contribute to the ascendancy of your sales. I need to know what you like, about precise sizes or template from your graph. provider. 3D presentations are only for evaluation of the layout provided.

メンバー歴: 2013年06月30日(日)


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"I am a return client that is very happy with the work completed by Studio C7 every time."
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"You are welcome!"
プロフィール写真Studio C7 返答済み:1年以上前
"On point every time!"
プロフィール写真floraceuticalfarms 評価済み:1年以上前
"Studio C7 is a pleasure to work with. "
プロフィール写真floraceuticalfarms 評価済み:2年弱前
"Extremely professional and helpful"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:2年弱前
"You are always welcome. Thank you for your statement."
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