
Magazine ad for www.homes168.com
Save the Date for Ballet Gala Fundraiser
Flyer forTopDog Phone
Ultimate Password Defense System
ZapperCAM web page
ZapperCAM Brochure
1-page Infographic
Design a cute & sophisticated Chinese Real Estate
Brochure cover
Brochure cover
Brochure cover
Brochure cover


"Another amazing design!"
プロフィール写真randy R 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"CreativeDove is amazingly creative, fast, communicative and a real pleasure to work with."
プロフィール写真randy R 評価済み:7ヶ月前
"Every piece is designed with the utmost professional artistic flair and design. I love every design."
プロフィール写真randy R 評価済み:9ヶ月前
"Oksana comes with her passion and creativity. Thank you "
プロフィール写真apwong73 評価済み:2年以上前
"Thank you again ! Best work ever .."
プロフィール写真apwong73 評価済み:3年弱前