
kim jestem illustration
DevOpsDays 2020
Nugget point landscape illustration for Heltty
Apex t-shirt design
Canary website illustration
A Dream of Darkness book cover
Wizard / Magician illustration
Heltty box wallet illustration
DevOps Days 2019 logo design
Album cover for MS.ILES
Bottle illustration
USPS mailman of the future concept


A multimedia designer who puts his heart in his work all the time :D

メンバー歴: 2009年03月22日(日)


"The work is amazing as always!"
プロフィール写真jose.alvarezr 評価済み:2年以上前
"Always a pleasure working with Jose! Thank you and hoping to work with you again in the future"
プロフィール写真darkmatter 返答済み:2年以上前
"What a wonderful experience working with darkmatter. We will be sure to refer and use this artist again and again to help our brand succeed in the ever-changing retail segment. "
プロフィール写真RosiePups Project 評価済み:4年以上前
" Definitely you can rely your projects with this artist!"
プロフィール写真jose.alvarezr 評価済み:5年以上前
"Amazing work!!!"
プロフィール写真sales7Z 評価済み:5年以上前
"Outstanding job because darkmatter is an awesome artist!"
プロフィール写真jose.alvarezr 評価済み:5年以上前