
Rare Coins Poster Design
Exterior entry sign
Real Estate Yard Sign
Car wrap
Car wrap
Poster Sydney Theatre
Catalog Cover
Rare Coin
Poster Sydney Theatre
Plumbing Problems
Large mesh for Seeds Company


I pay attention to details.
Ability to make decisions under stress.
Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Ability to assimilate new information and skills.

メンバー歴: 2013年08月02日(金)


"This was the only designer that I felt read my design recap. "
プロフィール写真drewcrew7 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"Great work as always"
プロフィール写真russell b 評価済み:4年以上前
"Great work as always "
プロフィール写真russell b 評価済み:6年弱前
"Great work, quick turn around time."
プロフィール写真jette y 評価済み:約6年前
"Always great work"
プロフィール写真russell b 評価済み:約6年前