
Elegant, sophisticated horse head logo
Unique and amazing eagle logo design
Logo proposition for a Chain Coffee House
Logo design for a Swedish seaside spa hotel
Logo design with cleaver use of negative space
Amazing logo for a rooftop bar
A fun, smart and playful logo that uses brilliantly the negative space
Smart, young and modern wordmark
Elegant negative-space logo for an interior design business
Dental logo design
Modern and crisp logo design for a luxurious villa
Minimalist wordmark logo


"I cannot imagine a better graphic design partner! Eliza is simply the best and I feel beyond lucky to have found her. Looking forward to more partnerships with her going forward too. Thank you for making the whole experience wonderful!!"
プロフィール写真scott.coheC 評価済み:約2ヶ月前
"Best partner in the biz!!! "
プロフィール写真ceU8 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"Eliza has become a true partner with me in my business. If any of you need a reliable, skilled, forward-thinking partner in this digital world...look no further. Simply the Best (a la Tina Turner.) :)"
プロフィール写真ceU8 評価済み:5ヶ月前
"Always a rockstar "
プロフィール写真limorsuss 評価済み:9ヶ月前
"Eliza is a such a great asset to the team "
プロフィール写真limorsuss 評価済み:11ヶ月前