
Website Design
Superconverting Landing Page to entice UK gamblers
Create a flyer for sensational summer camp for kids
WP Landing Page Design for Light Engine
Coffee company needs designer logo
Stacks on The Tracks: Mixtape Album COVER CONTEST!
99nonprofits: Create a beautiful webpage for Sports Replay
T-shirt design required
T-shirt design required
T-shirt design required
New landing page wanted for Styleio
HELP!!!! Can you make a price sheet sexy and fun????


I love all aspects of designing! With the right amount of guideline and creative freedom I can come up with something you like. My strongest areas in designing are Websites, Brochure/Flyers and Clothing & Merchandise. I also love to design logo's. I look forward to working with you :)

メンバー歴: 2012年08月21日(火)

