
Kinder stärken, Persönlichkeit entwickeln, Sicherheit gewinnen - tiergestützte Intervention
TravelersBox Christmas design
Need Profesional logo with a burst of fun - Purple Cow Consulting
Trail of Lights
Create a vibrant and Joyful updated vintage Christmas company illustration logo
New Social App Logo Branding Needed
New Logo design for Forces Reunited
Create a memorable and improved logo for Modera Group Inc.
Sunset's Saving Stars - poster design!
Edgy cover artwork for a pop/dance single needed (image provided)
Trucking and transporting is what i do.  Create a logo that will be seen by millions
Develop a brand for "not just an animal hospital but an experience"


I've been designing for 40+ yrs. I designed product packaging, illustrations for 3 books, 27 T-shirts designs, and countless logos worldwide.
I have 3 toilet paper wedding dresses in Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museums around the world.
I entered a contest to get a design put on a Canadian coin for Canada's 150'th Birthday in 2017. I came in 6'th out of over 10,000 designs. To anyone out there that voted for it....Thank you!

メンバー歴: 2009年08月08日(土)




"I worked with KanadianKate on a one-to-one project. She made my first experience with 99designs absolutely painless and was a pleasure to work with. She was quick and efficient. From start to finish took only a handful of days and I was very satisfied..."
プロフィール写真linda.lea 評価済み:9年弱前
"An extremely dedicated designer and talented illustrator. Very responsive to input from me, she was extremely attentive to detail and produced a bounty of variations of each concept. A pleasure to work with!"
プロフィール写真Sim8730 評価済み:9年以上前