
Poetry Book Cover Design
Cover for Chilling True Story
Contemporary Romance Novel
Crime thriller needing bold cover
Clean, modern design for supernatural thriller
Cover refresh for Marock'n Roll
Cover for transgressive horror novel
Create an awesome cover for a quirky Women's Fiction novel
Style branding for a modern fantasy series
Create a cover for the romantic book Le Fleur de Blanc by Lexi Maxxwell
Create the next book or magazine cover for Amrit Chima
Book cover for The Gondola Maker: A novel set in 16th-century Venice


***Currently booking two months out.***

Read my 99designs interview: https://99designs.com/designer-blog…er-design/

Writer. Editor. Designer. Creative Outlet.

Specializing in cover design, typesetting, and photography.


国: 米国. メンバー歴: 2009年06月24日(水)


"Super flexible and always helpful with tight deadlines!"
プロフィール写真Dr Don 評価済み:27日前
"Excellent work--fast and responsive."
プロフィール写真anne.cleeland 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"Wonderful work. Always a pleasure."
プロフィール写真Dr Don 評価済み:5ヶ月前
"Just the design I was looking for. Thank you again!"
プロフィール写真Dr Don 評価済み:5ヶ月前
"Kerry did an exceptional job, and I couldn’t be any happier with the final results. Fantastic communication and execution of ideas and the themes of the novel, and even went above and beyond. Again, couldn’t be happier with the end results."
プロフィール写真TheodoreLeeAuthor 評価済み:6ヶ月前