
Book Cover Design
"The Good Sister and Her Flying Monkey" Book Cover Design
Book Cover Design
YOLO (You only live once)
Self-help book about dating
The French Kill Too
Out of the Box
Don't Kiss and Sell
The Premise of Love
Haiku Book Cover


Save your time and money - hire me directly through a 1-to-1 project!
(If you're not sure how the whole process work or what package is best for you, please feel free to send me a private message first.)

メンバー歴: 2014年05月02日(金)


"Mila is very professional and so talented. A real pleasure to work with. I felt at trust the whole time while working with her and she did not disappoint. Thank you Mila!"
プロフィール写真carlamarie.h 評価済み:5日前
"Best designer! Lovely designs and great cooperation! "
プロフィール写真SammieF 評価済み:6日前
"She is great! Lovely covers and great ideas"
プロフィール写真SammieF 評価済み:16日前
"Brilliant as always "
プロフィール写真karmen.spiljak 評価済み:18日前
"Mila did a fantastic job with a difficult project. I'm very pleased with the result. She was flexible, creative and professional throughout. I would not hesitate to hire her again."
プロフィール写真Connlaswell 評価済み:29日前