
Sexy pirate lady
The space cow!
Tender heart cookies
The genie worker
Golf dad mascot
The dustman dog
The rich and mighty emperor
Cut little mascot
Witty robot for a social/news website
Cute Cupidon for an app
Charismatic and friendly pirate.
Cute Christmas illustrations


Hi, I'm Miriam and I always wanted to be a superhero...I found out that I can't fly and that I can't really stand the sight of blood...so I become a graphic designer. Yes, I'm one of those lunatics that think design will save the world...or at least make it look awesome!

I'm open minded and workaholic. I love doing logo designs, characters and mascot designs but I'm also experienced in almost all graphic design areas.

Feel free to invite me to work!

メンバー歴: 2014年02月10日(月)


"Miremi_design did a fantastic job! Totally exceeded my expectations, was responsive, and nailed the brief. "
プロフィール写真brock.martinson 評価済み:6年以上前
"She's very supportive and humble I'm very privileged to working with her She had her own ideas which she implemented creatively"
プロフィール写真Melting Woods Graphics 評価済み:約7年前
"quick response creativity is good."
プロフィール写真神戸のクラフトビール 評価済み:約7年前
"Good job! Everything was like i expected."
プロフィール写真claudiuj 評価済み:7年以上前
"Everything was done well!"
プロフィール写真claudiuj 評価済み:7年以上前