
Pitch deck for a marketing services consultancy
Presentation Design
Presentation Design
Presentation Redesign
Retail Technology PPT Template Design
Modern Powerpoint Presentation for Business Conference
Amazing PPT template for innovation consulting company
Clean Powerpoint Redesign
Clean Presentation Deck
PPT template for a financial analytics company with a Nordic brand identity
Syxsense Inc. Powerpoint Template Design
Powerpoint Template Design


I always do in-depth research and present work in a unique and non-generic way. I work in almost any area of design, but my personal favorites are infographics and illustrations.

Available for a direct 1 to 1 Project at a very reasonable price. Leave me a message, and I'll answer as soon as the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

メンバー歴: 2016年10月25日(火)


"great service and great design"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:7日前
"great outcome, fast delivery"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:28日前
"great as always"
プロフィール写真Ildar.mannapov 評価済み:約2ヶ月前
"Super Designer, great effort and work!"
プロフィール写真marviVG 評価済み:約2ヶ月前
"Great Work, good communication"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:約2ヶ月前