
Cooking App Screenshots Design
Web UI design for an AI and supply chain planning company
App Store Screenshots Design for Chinese learning app
Promotional landing page for an online trading app
Logo design for a music record label
Logo design for entertainment brand
Logo design for Sport Supplement range
Brand Identity design for a online service
Social media customizable template design
Social Media Identity
Instagram page identity for a wellness brand
Cover image for LinkedIn company page


⚡️ Do you want to stand out in the crowded digital marketplace?
⚡️ If you do, with my experience in e-commerce & digital marketing, you can count on me to help you create catching visuals for your successful marketing campaigns.

👉🏼 Available for work:

国: ベトナム. メンバー歴: 2019年04月12日(金)


"Great work on the requested design for my email newsletter!"
プロフィール写真nicktalksmoney 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"Hey Nick, it was a pleasure working with you on this project. I very much enjoyed the experience. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you again in the future."
プロフィール写真Phategy 返答済み:3ヶ月前
"It was very good to work with Phategy and I am glad that they came up with an interesting graphic design for the given topic."
プロフィール写真janlochma1 評価済み:5ヶ月前
"good job will use again"
プロフィール写真Comtrig.com 評価済み:9ヶ月前
"Excellent work experience, positive attitude, patience, service, and professionalism Thank you"
プロフィール写真ome8E 評価済み:約1年前
"My pleasure to work with such a very high-standard project. Thank you for giving me so much positive feedback that improved my design."
プロフィール写真Phategy 返答済み:約1年前
"Nice to work with"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:2年以上前
"Hope to have another amazing projects in the future. Thanks!"
プロフィール写真Phategy 返答済み:2年以上前