
Happiness in a Bag: Freeze-Dried Bone Broth Smoothie Bites
Logo Design
Logo Design
Logo Design
Character Drawing
Logo Design
Logo Design
Logo Design
Logo Design
Business Card Design
Character Illustration
Logo Design


Brand Identity: Logo Design, Apps Icons, Corporate Identity

Online Advertisement: Online Banner Design, Header or Slider for website

Print Advertisement: Flyer, Brochure, Postcard, Booklet, Hording Banner, Catalogue, Menu Card etc.

Social Media Graphics: Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter etc.

HTML work: Website, WordPress customization, E-mailer, Landing page, Newsletter etc.

Please feel to discuss or invite me 1-to-1 project.

メンバー歴: 2018年02月06日(火)


"Another great postcard design Thanks!"
プロフィール写真hunter K 評価済み:約2ヶ月前
"Good people to work with. Will be back."
プロフィール写真joshua.keehan41w 評価済み:6ヶ月前
"This is a designer you want to include in your contest. Variety was exceptional and very thorough. "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:6ヶ月前
"This designer knocked it out of the park. He was also increadibly responsive to the changes we wanted to see. Would definitely recommend him. "
プロフィール写真hunter K 評価済み:6ヶ月前
"Very creative logo, and welcoming attitude-- I love it!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:7ヶ月前