
Logo for a wedding, event & restaurant venue
Logo for rural property development and maintenance
Logo design for a wine trail
Modern logo for a student ministries
Pizza on a sub logo
Logo for a Florida-based realtor
Ginkgo tree logo design
Modern line-art logo for travel agency
Logo for an animal care clinic
An earthbound meets cosmic logo for a shaman
Egyptian seafood restaurant logo
Logo for a quiche producer


My name is Sofia Gazarian and I’m a Co-Founder of Logotypely Branding Design Agency:

I'm a passionate brand designer and illustrator trying to make our world a bit more beautiful. I think that the perfect design combines your vision with my expertise. Press the "Invite to work" button or send me a message and we'll discuss all the details!

メンバー歴: 2018年04月03日(火)


"My design had to do with transforming an old distressed house to a new, refurbished home for a family. I had several designers pitch designs, but Sophia had a completely different goal in mind, which was to focus on the end product of regeneration and h..."
プロフィール写真jmburgess369 評価済み:2ヶ月前
"Thank you very much for the beautiful project and such kind words!"
プロフィール写真Sofia Gazarian 返答済み:2ヶ月前
"Great design! Great process! "
プロフィール写真jgrove7 評価済み:2ヶ月前
"Thank you!"
プロフィール写真Sofia Gazarian 返答済み:2ヶ月前
"Sofia was amazing to work with -- so thankful for her expertise and flexibility! "
匿名クライアント 評価済み:2ヶ月前
"Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m glad you like the result!"
プロフィール写真Sofia Gazarian 返答済み:2ヶ月前
"Great, fast, and professional!"
プロフィール写真bogren_bwo 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"Thank you!"
プロフィール写真Sofia Gazarian 返答済み:3ヶ月前
"I loved working with Sofia to create the logo and brand kit for my new business. She was inventive, captured my brief and importantly listened to my comments and feedback. I would definitely recommend working with Sofia!"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:3ヶ月前
"Thank you so much for these wonderful words! It was a pleasure to work with you too!"
プロフィール写真Sofia Gazarian 返答済み:3ヶ月前