
Release Form App for iPad
Drawing for Kids
Petrol / Gas Pump Embedded App
Kids Audio Book App
iHelp App Design
Pooch App Design
Jaamo Ouder App Concept
Kids Radio App
Deck of Cards Workout
Social Downloader App
Case Journey
Probabilities Quiz App


an aspiring UI Designer with ongoing 2 years of experience creating beautiful and working interfaces for your app. Learning UX diligently with every project.

Feel free to reach me on 1-to-1 projects.
Thank you for leaving good words about me. It's always be a pleasure to collaborate with you.

メンバー歴: 2017年05月25日(木)


"Great work as always!"
プロフィール写真Keith91684 評価済み:2年弱前
"Stefano is such a great UX designer, he really thinks about the user journey and adds what is needed to make it smooth. Great communication, fast and excellent execution. Thank you Stefano :)"
プロフィール写真florenzU 評価済み:2年以上前
"Stefano- was so easy to work with... He has excellent design and intuition! loved working with him!"
プロフィール写真adriaJ 評価済み:2年以上前
"Stefano really understood the essence of the brief to come up with a design that wowed us on the first draft. He focused on a bold presentation of the user's data, an appreciation of how people rely on visual memory, and a simplification of the web con..."
プロフィール写真jmflorent 評価済み:2年以上前
"Stefano is an awesome UI/UX designer!"
プロフィール写真David Linhardt 評価済み:2年以上前