
Postcard for a denim store
25-anniversary Card for Downtown Denim Wear
Sexy and Vibrant Poster Needed for Live Music Tour
Clear, glossy & exciting PDF leaflet for uCheck's Revolutionary new HR Platform
Simple, Attractive Poster Design for Title Loan company.
Create A Custom Poster For 27 Dressings, A Health Food Eatery
OptionVue Systems Trade Show Handouts
Create a sophisticated Flyer for a collaborative consumption Parking Company!
Carte de voeux 2018 QIONIS
Create a billboard for a Meadery & Pub in a simple, clean style.
Gambler Billboard


"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." -Herman Melville

メンバー歴: 2010年04月17日(土)


"Very good work! "
プロフィール写真infoQ7O 評価済み:約5年前
"Very Responsive and High Quality Designs. "
プロフィール写真ben2b4me 評価済み:5年以上前
"Great work and fast designs"
プロフィール写真deleted-3907458 評価済み:5年以上前
"Great communication, excellent designs, very easy to work with! "
プロフィール写真Liza2013 評価済み:7年弱前
"Such an easy designer to work with. Very skilled and just gets it done :)"
匿名クライアント 評価済み:7年以上前