
Meridian Fly Reels
Winning design Krogman Transport
Winning design for Ruff Riders Apparel Company
Brand Creative for Arca Luxury Vacations
Coffee Shop Sticker
Room 623
Winning entry Ruff Riders Fly Shop
Missouri River Fish Inn
Bird Elite


Any designer can churn out endless white noise for products and services, but this does no one any good. Unfortunately, even after this approach inevitably fails,
the reflex is often to “turn up” the noise for better results rather than fine-tune it.
To be heard, we have to be smarter, not louder.
This is expertly crafted disruption.

メンバー歴: 2012年04月03日(火)


"YOU NAILED IT! We love what you came up with here and so glad to work with you on this project! You were committed, kind and open to all suggestions. This will be my very own, personal logo for the business, a one of a kind special edition! Great job! L..."
プロフィール写真maczilla89 評価済み:4年弱前
"Thanks for working with me. I think we captured the brand in the way we wanted to. "
プロフィール写真r.k.marvie 評価済み:4年弱前
"He engaged in the contest from the beginning and didn't wait for others to do all the work. He responded quickly to our requests. Showing the logo in a variety of settings would have made it stand out even more. Happy with their willingness to try man..."
プロフィール写真krogmanholdingL 評価済み:約4年前
"Took what we asked for and made it amazing, will work with again in the future!"
プロフィール写真dexpenny 評価済み:9年以上前