
Poster for a play
Postcard design for Ocean East
USA today's bestseller facebook cover
River Valley tri fold brochure
Prestige Color Printing banner ad
Banner ad for Remax real estate agent
Perfect water brochure
Sockwork flyer
Smart Haus inc. facebook cover
Graduate showcase invitation
ICI app flyer design
Election day sale


Every brand has a story. I'm here to help you tell yours.
Graphic designer, with long experience in the field.
A specialist in print production & social media advertising.
Travel lover • Coffee snob

メンバー歴: 2015年09月15日(火)


"enjoy working with designer. Flexible and does exactly what you need."
プロフィール写真native161 評価済み:5年以上前
"Really good job! As usual brilliant and reliable."
プロフィール写真eugen-marz 評価済み:6年弱前
"Just a great job and always really patient !"
プロフィール写真eugen-marz 評価済み:約6年前
"I was really impressed from the art of the designer . Communication betweeen us was perfect and it took less time the expected. Great job!"
プロフィール写真eugen-marz 評価済み:約6年前
"Great work! Good quality and responsive to feedback."
プロフィール写真Mark Matthews 評価済み:6年以上前